Does the Source of a Warning Matter? Examining the Effectiveness of Veracity Warning Labels Across Warners

International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2025

Benjamin D. Horne

Paper, Supplemental Materials

Perceived Social Influence on Vaccination Decisions: A COVID-19 Case Study

Springer Nature Social Sciences (SNSS) 2024

Denise Yewell, R. Alexander Bentley, Benjamin D. Horne


News Media and Violence Against Women: Understanding Framings of Stigma

International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2024

Shravika Mittal, Jasmine C. Foriest, Benjamin D. Horne, Munmun De Choudhury


Ethical and Safety Considerations in Automated Fake News Detection

Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT) 2023

Benjamin D. Horne, Dorit Nevo, Susan L. Smith

BIT Link, Original Manuscript (Open)

Russia Public Diplomacy Efforts to Influence Neighbors: Media Messaging Supports Hard Power Projection

International Journal of Communication (IJoC) 2023

Maureen Taylor, Natalie Rice, Oleg Manaev, Catherine Luther, Suzie Allard, Michael Fitzgerald, Brandon Prins, Joshua Borycz, R. Alexander Bentley, Benjamin D. Horne

Link Coming Soon

Is Disruption Decreasing, or Is It Accelerating?

Advances in Complex Systems (ACS) 2023

R. Alexander Bentley, Sergi Valverde, Joshua Borycz, Blai Vidiella, Benjamin D. Horne, Salva Duran-Nebreda, Michael J. O'Brien

Link to Preprint

Climate Complacency Reflects Cultural Values of Nations

Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology (CRESP) 2023

R. Alexander Bentley, Joshua Borycz, Benjamin D. Horne


Cultural Evolution, Disinformation and Social Division

Adaptive Behavior 2023

R. Alexander Bentley, Benjamin D. Horne, Joshua Borycz, Simon Carrignon, Garriy Shteynberg, Blai Vidiella, Sergi Valverde, and Michael O'Brien


Generational Effects of Culture and Digital Media in Former Soviet Republics

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 2023

Benjamin D. Horne, Natalie Rice, Catherine Luther, Damian Ruck, Joshua Borycz, Suzie L. Allard, Michael Fitzgerald, Oleg Manaev, Brandon C. Prins, Maureen Taylor, R. Alexander Bentley


Examining the Production of Co-active Channels on YouTube and BitChute

Preliminary Report

Matthew C. Childs and Benjamin D. Horne


Is Automated Content Moderation Going to Solve Our Misinformation Problems?

Information Matters 2023

Benjamin D. Horne

Link, PDF

Automated Parsing of Personal Identity Facets for a Collection of Visual Images

International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC) 2022

Brian Dobreski, Melissa Resnick, Benjamin D. Horne


Forking Paths of Cultural Complexity: A Case Study of Research Paradigms

Advances in Complex Systems (ACS) 2022

Joshua Borycz, Benjamin D Horne, and R. Alexander Bentley


A Psycho-linguistic Analysis of BitChute

MeLa Lab Report 2022

Benjamin D Horne


Characterizing YouTube and BitChute Content and Mobilizers During U.S. Election Fraud Discussions on Twitter

ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci) 2022

Matthew C. Childs, Cody Buntain, Milo Trujillo, and Benjamin D Horne


NELA-Local: A Dataset of U.S. Local News Articles for the Study of County-level News Ecosystems

International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2022

Benjamin D. Horne, Mauricio Gruppi, Kenneth Joseph, Jon Green, John P. Wihbey, and Sibel Adali


The MeLa BitChute Dataset

International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2022

Milo Trujillo, MaurĂ­cio Gruppi, Cody Buntain, and Benjamin D Horne


NELA-GT-2021: A Large Multi-Labelled News Dataset for the Study of Misinformation in News Articles

Mauricio Gruppi, Benjamin D. Horne, and Sibel Adali


The Reasoning Behind Fake News Assessments: A Linguistic Analysis

AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (THCI) 2022

Lydia Manikonda, Dorit Nevo, Benjamin D. Horne, Clare Arrington, and Sibel Adali

Monitoring event-driven dynamics on Twitter: A case study in Belarus

Springer Nature Social Sciences (SNSS) 2022

Natalie M. Rice, Benjamin D. Horne, Catherine Luther, Joshua Borycz, Suzie L. Allard, Damian J. Ruck, Michael Fitzgerald, Oleg Manaev, Brandon C. Prins, Maureen Taylor, and R. Alexander Bentley

Local News Online and COVID in the U.S.: Relationships among Coverage, Cases, Deaths, and Audience

International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2022

Kenneth Joseph, Benjamin D. Horne, Jon Green, and John P. Wihbey

Preprint PDF

How Topic Novelty Impacts the Effectiveness of News Veracity Interventions

Communications of the ACM (CACM) 2022

Dorit Nevo and Benjamin D. Horne


Partisanship over security: Public narratives via Twitter on Foreign Interferences in the 2016 and 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections

First Monday 2021

Catherine A. Luther, Benjamin D. Horne, and Xu Zhang


Tell Me Who Your Friends Are: Using Content Sharing Behavior for News Source Veracity Detection


Mauricio Gruppi, Benjamin D. Horne, and Sibel Adali


From Tweeting About News to Creating News Around Tweets: Characterizing Tweets Embedded in News Articles


Mauricio Gruppi, Sibel Adali, Matthew Salemi, and Benjamin D. Horne


NELA-GT-2020: A Large Multi-Labelled News Dataset for the Study of Misinformation in News Articles

Mauricio Gruppi, Benjamin D. Horne, and Sibel Adali


Do All Good Actors Look The Same? Exploring News Veracity Detection Across The U.S. and The U.K.

ICWSM Data Challenge on Saftey 2020

Benjamin D. Horne, Mauricio Gruppi, and Sibel Adali


Effects of Priming Messages to Decrease Negativity in Online Learning Environments

APA Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology 2020

Hung-Tao Chen, Benjamin D. Horne, Dan Florrel, and Megan Thomas

NELA-GT-2019: A Large Multi-Labelled News Dataset for the Study of Misinformation in News Articles

Mauricio Gruppi, Benjamin D. Horne, and Sibel Adali


Trustworthy Misinformation Mitigation with Soft Information Nudging

International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems (TPS) 2019

Benjamin D. Horne, Mauricio Gruppi, and Sibel Adali


Robust Fake News Detection Over Time and Attack

ACM Transactions of Intelligent Systems Technology (TIST)

Benjamin D. Horne, Jeppe Norregaard, and Sibel Adali


Different Spirals of Sameness: A Study of Content Sharing in Mainstream and Alternative Media

International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2019

Benjamin D. Horne, Jeppe Norregaard, and Sibel Adali

PDF Slides

NELA-GT-2018: A Large Multi-Labelled News Dataset for the Study of Misinformation in News Articles

International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2019

Jeppe Norregaard, Benjamin D. Horne, and Sibel Adali

PDF Dataset

Rating Reliability and Bias in News Articles: Does AI Assistance Help Everyone?

International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2019

Benjamin D. Horne, Dorit Nevo, John O'Donovan, Jin-Hee Cho, and Sibel Adali

PDF Slides

Uncertainty-based False Information Propagation in Social Networks

ACM Transactions of Social Computing

Jin-Hee Cho, Scott Rager, John O'Donovan, Sibel Adali, and Benjamin D. Horne

Recognizing Experts on Social Media: A Heuristics Based Approach

The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems

Benjamin D. Horne, Dorit Nevo, and Sibel Adali


Models for Predicting Community-Specific Interest in News Articles

The Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) 2018

Benjamin D. Horne, William Dron, and Sibel Adali


Multi-Domain Integration and Correlation Engine

The Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) 2018

William Dron, Andrew Hunter, Ali Sydney, Siddharth Pal, John Hancock, Lisa Scott, Tarek Abdelzaher, Jiawei Han, Sibel Adali, and Benjamin D. Horne

An Exploration of Verbatim Content Republishing by News Producers

International Workshop on News and Public Opinion (NECO) 2018

Benjamin D. Horne and Sibel Adali


An Exploration of Unreliable News Classification in Brazil and The U.S

International Workshop on News and Public Opinion (NECO) 2018

Mauricio Gruppi, Benjamin D. Horne, and Sibel Adali


Sampling the News Producers: A Large News and Feature Data Set for the Study of the Complex Media Landscape

International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2018

Benjamin D. Horne, Sara Khedr, and Sibel Adali

PDF Dataset

Assessing the News Landscape: A Multi-Module Toolkit for Evaluating the Credibility of News

The Web Conference (WWW) 2018

Benjamin D. Horne, William Dron, Sara Khedr, and Sibel Adali

PDF Toolkit Tutorial Video

Effects of Priming on Online Discussion Behavior

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Annual Meeting 2018

Hung-Tao Chen and Benjamin D. Horne


Identifying the Social Signals that Drive Online Discussions: A Case Study of Reddit Communities

International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2017

Benjamin D. Horne, Sibel Adali, and Sujoy Sikdar


This Just In: Fake News Packs a Lot in Title, Uses Similar, Repetitive Content in Text Body, More Similar to Satire than Real News

International Workshop on News and Public Opinion (NECO) 2017

Benjamin D. Horne and Sibel Adali

PDF Dataset Medium Post Poster Slides

Media: Science News

The Impact of Crowds on News Engagement: A Reddit Case Study

International Workshop on News and Public Opinion (NECO) 2017

Benjamin D. Horne and Sibel Adali


Impact of message sorting on access to novel information in networks

IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) 2016

Benjamin D. Horne, Sibel Adali, and Kevin Chan

PDF Slides

Expertise in Social Networks: How do Experts Differ from Other Users?

International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2016

Benjamin D. Horne, Dorit Nevo, Jesse Freitas, Heng Ji, and Sibel Adali

PDF Dataset Erratum

Destroying by Creating: Exploring the Creative Destruction of 3D Printing Through Intellectual Property

Emerging Researchers National (ERN) 2013

Stephanie M. Santoso, Benjamin D. Horne, and Stephen B. Wicker